Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Kitchen Sink Mistakes

Most homes have plastic drainage systems and most people don't realize the damage they can do to those pipes. Kitchen drains are especially vulnerable to wearing out because of what we put down them. When you dump hot water down your kitchen sink it causes the drain pipe to expand. When it cools down it contracts. The more this is done it causes the drainage pipe to wear out and start leaking.

Since the kitchen is the most common area for this type of damage, keep in mind what you are putting down the sink. If you are draining boiling water then turn on the faucet to cold and let the water run down the drain at the same time. If you are putting food down the disposal then be sure to run plenty of water down behind it. This will also help your drains to stay clog-free and keep all components working properly.

If you find that you are having issues with your plumbing,
give us a call at 801-546-0522.
We'll come right out and fix it right.

Visit our website at

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Freeze Protection

Before the cold winter months it is important to do preventive maintenance to keep your plumbing working properly and also to avoid costly repairs.

Remove all attached hoses from any hose bibs on your home. Your hose bib is probably freezeless but it can, and probably will, freeze if a hose is left attached during freezing temperatures. You most likely will not find out that it froze until you go to use it in the Spring.

Many homes are built with water lines in the outside walls of the home. Those water lines are the most susceptible to freezing, especially if they don't have adequate insulation. Add extra insulation in these areas. It will probably be cheaper to open up a wall or cabinet to add insulation than it would be to pay professionals to clean up and repair a flood in your home. It is also a good idea to leave a faucet dripping slowly, keeping the water flowing to help
prevent a freeze in the water lines.

Taking a few small preventive steps can really save you a lot of money in future repairs.
For more information and tips please visit our website.